1·If you only measure the statistics, you miss the human aspect.
2·This human aspect is critical to the success of SOA.
3·Equally critical is the human aspect of the implementation.
4·The problem is, brands often forget the human aspect of social media, so these tips are worth revisiting.
5·What we see, in other words, surrounded by all of this equipment, is precisely the equipment-free human aspect of reality.
6·My eyes, bulging from staring too long into a florescent microscope, illustrate how easy it is to forget the human aspect of research.
7·As the highest form of art work, tragedy excels in revealing the essence of life and analyzing the human aspect in a thorough way when compared with other literary works.
8·Over time, I have found my camera and my mind are quietly switching their attention from the physical to the human aspect of cities: the dancing crowd on Ipanema Beach in Rio;
9·"The Human Factor," treated in Chapter 17, is a critical aspect of truly secure systems that is often ignored in breathless discussions about new security technology.
10·As with many software it projects the human element quickly becomes the most important aspect.